Published on: Nov 09, 2021
Reading Time: 5 min
Sympatec invites you to test the new instrument at the company’s booth
This modular system combines size and shape characterization of disperse particle systems within a detection range from below 1 μm to 34,000 μm. The flexible sensor adaptation for analysis of powders, granules, fibres, suspensions and emulsions is provided by a wide range of dispersing and dosing units. Numerous implementations in pharmaceutical and chemical industry, food and beverage technology as well as soil science just denote the array of applications in industry and R&D. The most prominent feature is an exposure time within the sub-nanosecond’s regime, achieving an image capturing frequency of up to 500 frames per second.
Sympatec will present another modular instrument, HELOS, using laser diffraction for granulometric analysis of samples in both dry and wet; used for powders, suspensions, emulsions, aerosols and sprays. Its size detection ranges from below 0.1 μm to 8750 μm.
These sensors can be used with the powerful dry disperser RODOS, which offers a high reproducibility and can be used reliably during comminution stages and other dry process steps. It is a proven disperser for the characterization of the finest, cohesive powders.
For the analysation of nano particles, company will showcase the NANOPHOX with an application range of 0.5 nm to 10,000 nm, that is able to handle high-concentrated samples. Due to the elimination of the multiple scattering effect, the NANOPHOX is able to recreate highly accurate measuring results repeatedly.
Evaluation software PAQXOS supports the simultaneous determination of all relevant particle characteristics. A particle gallery together with user-defined screening criteria facilitate the creation of specific and meaningful reports.
The instruments are easy to use, and you are welcome to see them in action and try them out with your own samples.
Sympatec — The Particle People!
Crocus Expo
25-28 November
Opening Times
Tuesday 25th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 26th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 27th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 28th November 2025 - 10:00 - 16:00
Crocus Expo, Pavilion 2 - Moscow, Russia
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