Published on: Dec 08, 2023
Reading Time: 5 min

On 21-24 November 2023, Moscow hosted the 25th International Exhibition of Equipment, Raw Materials and Technologies for Pharmaceutical Production Pharmtech & Ingredients 2023
This year, the 25th anniversary exhibition demonstrated an even greater scale compared to the previous years. The exhibitors and visitors highlighted the market's high business activity, abundance of proposals to meet current requirements, an extensive geography of exhibitors and much greater interest from foreign manufacturers in presenting their products on the Russian market.
Pharmtech & Ingredients 2023 took place over an area of 8,900 square metres for the first time since 2020. The exhibition featured 472 companies (vs. 269 in 2022) from 14 countries, including 240 first-timers. Manufacturers and suppliers from Russia, Belarus, Germany, Italy, India, China, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Jordan and other countries displayed their products and proposals at their stands. There has been a notable rise in the number of participants from China. More than 200 Chinese companies presented their products on an area of over 2,000 square metres. After a three-year break, a pavilion dedicated to India re-appeared at the exhibition. A total of more than 40 companies from India took part in Pharmtech & Ingredients this year. On the opening day, the exhibition welcomed Deputy Chief of Mission in the Embassy of India in Russia Mrs. Gina Uika and First Secretary for Economics and Trade of the Chinese Embassy in Russia Mr. Sun Yongjun.
The number of visitors in the four days of exhibition totaled 10,011 professionals (vs. 7,982 in 2022) from 69 regions of Russia (vs. 64 in 2022) and 38 countries (vs. 26 in 2022), including representatives of all EAEU Member States (Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan). It is 25 % up on the past year and a record-breaking figure in the history of the exhibition. The total number of companies visiting the exhibition amounted to 6,236 enterprises, which is also 25 % more vs. 2022. New visitors accounted for 55 % of all visitors: 5,454 professionals did not visit Pharmtech & Ingredients a year before.
The exhibition was attended by representatives of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers, including Stada, Sotex, Akrikhin, Biocad, Berlin Pharma, Biosintez, Biotech, Binnopharm Group, Valenta Pharm, Veropharm, Generium, Geropharm, Gedeon Richter-Rus, Canonpharma production, Scientific Production Association Microgen, Nanolek, Scientific Production Association Petrovax Pharm, Scientific and Technological Pharmaceutical Company Polysan, R-Pharm, Belmedpreparaty, SkopinFarm, Tathimpharm Preparations, Pharmasyntez-Nord, Pharmstandard, Evalar and many others.
The qualitative composition of 2023 Exposition visitors remained consistently high. The share of key visitors was 88 % or 8,830 professionals (vs. 88 % or 6,993 in 2022), with 4,174 (42 %) of the guests visiting the exhibition in search for products and services for their business purposes (vs. 41 % in 2022). Decision-makers accounted for 67 % (vs. 68 % in 2022) and totalled 5,947 professionals. Over 2,460 visitors represented companies with procurement budgets from RUB 20 mln to more than RUB 50 mln.
Some companies that presented their products at the exposition shared their feedback about their participation this year.
Irina Stepanova, CEO at PHARMTECH Group
"This year Pharmtech celebrates its 25th anniversary. All these years, we have participated in this exhibition with our stands. Every year we find new customers and meet out long-standing partners here. Here is where you can meet everybody. There are lots of visitors. The number was high even in the pandemic year. And it keeps increasing year after year. It is surprising, considering that the industry is not that big and all seem to know one another. Every year we discover new names, new brands. We are pleased to see that professionals engage in pharmacy with production capabilities expanding and new areas of business developing."
Pavel Mynkin, Development Director at REATORG
"This exhibition is particularly relevant now, since many customers do not fully trust the equipment appearing on our market. It's important to see it personally, make all necessary inquiries, talk to managers. The exhibition incorporates all of that. The event does not only help us gain new contacts, but also cement relations with new partners from Asia and various regions of Russia. We have already won most of our contacts. But frequently, in making a contract-related decision, a customer seeks to meet in person at the exhibition. New leads are converted into contractual relations and cooperation. It is the exhibition that helps to support and develop large-scale projects most frequently."
Vasily Belshov, API Business Development Manager at HETERO Group
"I remember this exhibition somewhere around 10 years ago. Since then, the exhibition has grown prominently. A much more extensive geography of participants and much greater interest in displaying products from foreign exhibitors. Obviously, COVID has had certain effects. In the post-COVID period, I can see multiple partners from India, China and other countries. I hope that the exhibition continues to grow. As it represents a venue where over the course of a few days we can meet and communicate with most of our partners. It is a valuable, amazing opportunity."
Visitor feedback on Pharmtech & Ingredients 2023
Tatiana Vyazmina, Quality Director at R-Pharm
"My colleagues representing 10 R-Pharm sites and I visit this exhibition every year. Here we discover a lot of what we find interesting, including new suppliers of raw materials and technological equipment, as well as design contractors and other partners impossible to find in the course of routine work. Visiting the exhibition is also about simply interpersonal communications: there are people you meet here year after year. This communication enables people to exchange experience and get the information component missing in our everyday life when there is lack of time to see this resource. I wish the organisers many years of creativity and interesting projects."
Asmik Abraamyan, visitor, Director of Quality Department, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, GEROPHARM
"This year, visiting the exhibition is highly relevant because of ongoing import substitution and search of new suppliers and manufacturers. This year we can see new colleagues, new suppliers from China, India. It enables us to find new ways of development in the pharmaceutical industry without stagnation. There is a lot of equipment, and it is diversified. Starting from clean rooms, equipment for biotechnological production facilities, for the development of genetic engineering technologies. It is critical nowadays for pharmaceutical progress and the 2030 priorities, which provides us with prospects for development. For us, Pharmtech is something new, innovative, interesting."
Faiza Yagudina, visitor, Quality Director at AKRIKHIN
"We can see how much progress has been made to date. When our company visited the exhibition last year, it coincided with some geopolitical developments. The market looked quit and careful. This year, all of my colleagues noted that the exhibition is abundant in proposals. There is a lot of parallel import. Many proposals look attractive. My colleagues have managed to find what they've been looking for at this year's exhibition. For us, Pharmtech is a high-value event, a platform for communication and cooperation, a place to meet with our suppliers.
Business Program
Pharmtech & Ingredients 2023 offered a three-day business agenda dedicated to some topical industry-related issues. Over these three days, 14 business events were attended by 1,081 delegates, which is 16 % up on the past year.
The first day of the exhibition featured a plenary session titled "The Regulatory System and Innovations. How to Ensure the Development of the Innovative Potential of the Russian Pharmaceutical Industry". During the session, heads of industry-specific associations, industry experts, and representatives of pharmaceutical companies exchanged opinions on provision of the healthcare system with innovative drugs, as well as the efficiency of government support at all stages of the life cycle of development of innovative drug products.
The same-day agenda also included a round-table discussion titled "The Full Cycle of API Production. The Roadmap". As the experts noted, the full cycle of API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) production involves the creation of a full-fledged chain of manufacturers of all components: chemicals of varying complexity, from solvents to intermediates; the development of chemical engineering production, and training of personnel. According to the speakers, currently many of the required processes are in an embryonic state. Industry experts and guests discussed how much progress local companies have made in their efforts, and what the results, prospects and, most importantly, the time-frames are.
Another item on the first-day agenda was the presentation of innovative projects in the field of quality by the finalists of the GxP-PROFI 2023 contest. The event helps to learn more about the leaders in terms of drug quality. The winners of the contest in 2023 were Binnopharm Group, GEROPHARM and R-Pharm.
Traditionally, the exhibition hosted the Pharmtechprom Forum. The event, which serves as a platform for presentation of innovations in the pharmaceutical production industry, consisted of three sessions this year. Specialists from Russian and foreign companies presented their innovative equipment, provided insight into raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production, as well as into packaging solutions for finished products.
The business program at Pharmtech & Ingredients 2023 also included:
Round table discussion on "Compulsory Labeling, Import Reduction, and Private Label Trends: New Realities of the Market for Dietary Supplements". The discussion covered issues like the current state of dietary supplements market, potential for export and import, real-life examples of introduction of new dietary supplements to the market and launching dietary supplements under a private label, innovative methods of dietary supplement development, and mandatory labelling. The members of the discussion concluded that further development of the regulatory framework is important, however it may result in higher entry barriers. Moreover, it is required to clear the market of unfair players, e. g. to avoid reputation risks for prudent companies. There must be a national program designed to raise the awareness of the medical community and all industry players. Another priority is consumer literacy efforts.
Round table discussion on "The Eastern Vector in the Technical Support of Pharmaceutical Production". The discussion focused on specific aspects of equipment export to China, issues of the China‑Russia logistics chain, specific aspects of localisation of technological production and technology transfer in new realities. Today, Russia demonstrates a bit of prejudice toward the quality of Chinese products. However, significant changes have taken place so far, and some Chinese equipment is not inferior to European items in quality, the discussion concluded.
Pharmtech Tutor
Pharmtech Tutor is a unique project that seeks to demonstrate to last-year students the variety of options for their future careers in the pharmaceutical industry. The project has been bringing together higher educational institutions and the industry for more than 10 years now. Considering the great need for skilled personnel in pharmaceutical production today, the role of this project is difficult to overestimate.
In 2023, the project involved over 40 students from:
I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Kazan State Medical University
Yaroslavl State Medical University
Yaroslavl State Technical University
P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Yaroslavl Industrial and Economic College
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky
Pharmtech Tutor 2023 was supported by over 20 companies, including PharmVILAR, Rettenmaier Rus, EAPACK, Capsugel | Lonzа, Acticomp, SINGHANIA TABLETING, Elis Cleanroom, Academlab, PHARMTECH Group, Artlife Techno, BIOGRUND, Aurora Plant, Solid Pharma, FPT, АВС, REATORG, OPM Biosciences, ProcessTechEngineering», HLE GlASCOAT LIMITED, Standard Group of Companies, AI Sedanah Jordan.
Award Winners
Pharmtech & Ingredients has been growing and developing together with the pharma industry players for 25 years now. The awarding ceremony of the exposition participants is an essential part of the event providing a pleasant opportunity to summarise the achievements and acknowledge the results.
In 2023, five companies won the following nominations:
"Best Debut" – OPM Biosciences (China)
"Best Russian Display" – KAMA and Pharmstandard (Russia)
"Most Efficient Booth Display" – BWT (Russia)
"For High Professionalism" – PECHATNYA. Printing solutions (Russia)
"For Loyalty and Faithfulness" – Dia-M (Russia);
Individual awards on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Pharmtech & Ingredients were given to 6 companies for their special contribution to the development of the exhibition:
Marchesini Group S.p.A.
Artlife Techno
Official support
In 2023, Pharmtech & Ingredients was officially supported by the Department of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Development of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Producers, the Union of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations, the Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Association of Manufacturers of Pharmaceuticals of the Republic of Armenia.
OPM Biosciences – Branding partner
VIKING Lab – Badge lanyard partner
HARKE PHARMA – Official partner of the exhibition
Media support
GxP News – General media partner
Farmacevtichesky Vestnik (Pharmaceutical Herald) – Industry media partner
The Pharmtech & Ingredients team would like to thank the guests, participants and partners of the exhibition for their contribution to the organisation and conduct of the key business event for the pharmaceutical industries of Russia and the EAEU Member States. The 26th International Exhibition Pharmtech & Ingredients will take place on 19–22 November 2024 in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, Pavilion 2.

Crocus Expo
25-28 November
Opening Times
Tuesday 25th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 26th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 27th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 28th November 2025 - 10:00 - 16:00
Crocus Expo, Pavilion 2 - Moscow, Russia
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