Published on: Oct 11, 2022
Reading Time: 5 min
Latest News of the Exposition and the Business Program of the Exhibition
While remaining one of the key areas of the economic activity, the pharmaceutical industry continues to operate in any situation and under any circumstances. At present, it is especially important to provide conditions for the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Russia, to promote the localisation of production and the production of drugs using the full-cycle technology, and to create opportunities for the production of our own unique developments. This is a constructive approach, which sooner or later will begin to bear fruit.
To achieve the set goals, the Russian pharmaceutical industry needs a close-knit professional community. In turbulent times, the role of personal business communication cannot be overestimated. Year after year, the Pharmtech & Ingredients exhibition gathers the market participants for the exchange of expertise, mutual support and cooperation.
The preparation for the exhibition is going on as planned. Pharmtech & Ingredients will take place on 22–25 November at Crocus Expo IEC (Moscow). In 2022, more than 250 companies from 17 countries will take part in the exhibition. The exhibition participants are the largest manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, raw materials and technologies for the pharmaceutical production. Companies from China, Turkey and the UAE show a great interest in the Russian market. For the first time, more than 40 companies will exhibit their products at the exhibition.
Manufacturing & general equipment, 84 companies – IMA (Italy), Marchesini Group (Italy), Sinopharmtech (China), ArtlifeTechno (Russia), Schematic Engineering Industries (India), IVEN (China), InterPharmTechnology Group (Russia), Keno Pharma (China), Tien Tuan (Vietnam), Tofflon (China) and many others.
Laboratory equipment, 54 companies – Dia-M (Russia), Sartorius (Germany), PanEco (Russia), Merck (Germany), CANAAN (China), AiX Lab (Russia), Biosystems (Russia), Greenvan (Russia), Xelicon (Russia), EXITON ANALYTIC (Russia) and others.
Raw materials and ingredients, 55 companies – BioGrowing (China), Glenmark Life Science (India), PharmVILAR (Russia), IMCo Pharma (Czech Republic), Capsugel (Belgium), ACTICOMP (Russia), Rettenmaier (Germany), Endofar ilac (Turkey), Biozeen (India), Biogrund (Switzerland), VIDYA RUS (India) and others.
Packaging equipment & materials, 80 companies – Bausch Advanced Technology Group (Germany), Nipro PharmaPackaging (Belgium), ECI (USA), AFAQ Pharma (UAE), Pacmac (India), OMAG (Italy), Erecton (Russia), AURORA PACK ENGINEERING (Russia), Emphasys (Brazil), Druck Service (Belarus) and others.
Technologies for the production of cosmetic products, 84 companies – Aero Pump (Germany), Romaco Holding GmbH (Germany), FrymaKoruma (Switzerland), Helicon (Russia) and others.
Explore the 2022 exhibitor list and the product catalogue. Plan your visit and find new partners and suppliers in just 4 days at Pharmtech & Ingredients!
A round-table discussion “Is API production a business or a state necessity?” will be held on 22 November
Partner: Reatorg LLC
Moderator: Georgy Khachiyan, CEO, Reatorg LLC
It is not a secret that the production of substances requires the use of intermediates, which are practically not produced in our country and it is not yet clear when, by whom and in what volume they will be produced. Commercial structures think of the market and its capacity. The state demands, convinces, stimulates. Time will tell what form the cooperation between the business and the state will take and whether this form will be effective, but everyone understands that this issue cannot be postponed any longer.
Issues to be discussed:
Assessment of the situation Plan for a month, year, decade
Quick deals or long-term contracts
Everything is standard – standard samples, reagents, intermediate goods
A presentation of innovative projects in the field of quality of the GxP-PROFI 2022 finalists will take place on 22 November
GxP-Profi, an international industry competition, is held by the Eurasian Academy of Good Practices in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia with the support of the Eurasian Economic Commission in order to promote the growth potential of the pharmaceutical industry through the development and implementation of innovations in the field of good practices.
A round-table discussion “Management of Construction of Pharmaceutical Production Facilities: the Role of a Technical Customer” will be held on 23 November
Partner: Block LLC
Moderator: Grigory Peglivanyan, CEO, BLOCK LLC
While implementing a project, we often delegate full responsibility to the general contractor, as a result, the outcome satisfies the general contractor, but at the same time does not meet our expectations, and, particularly, the requirements of regulatory authorities. During the discussion, we will discuss how to build a team and allocate responsibility for project implementation to reach the maximum efficiency.
A round-table discussion “The Dietary Supplements Market in the New Economic Reality: the Road from the Production to the End Customer. Safety Improving Factors” will be held on 23 November
Partner: ASNA
Moderator: Viktoriya Presnyakova, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Director of SRO Association of Independent Pharmacies (ASNA), Head of the Alliance of Pharmaceutical Associations
Alexander Zhestkov, Executive Director, SRO Union of Producers of Dietary Supplements for Food
Over the past years, the domestic dietary supplements market has shown a growing demand. The growth drivers are: post-COVID use of vitamins included in mandatory treatment protocols, diversification of sales channels and the possibility of online sale of products.
Despite the success, there are still many unresolved issues, in particular: provision of raw materials, technologies and equipment for the production of dietary supplements; labelling, import substitution and a search for unique compositions and ingredients. We will try to find the answers during the discussion.
The 17th Pharmtechprom Forum will take place on 23–24 November. The Forum annually serves as a platform for presentation of the latest technologies in the pharmaceutical production.
This year the Forum will consist of three sessions: Raw materials and ingredients for pharmaceutical production; Technologies, equipment, related processes and products for pharmaceutical production; Packaging materials and equipment for pharmaceutical production.
Study the business program and plan your visit to the exhibition.
Participation in the business program events is free for visitors having an electronic exhibition ticket with the promo code news.
We are looking forward to meeting you on 22–25 November at Pharmtech & Ingredients!
Crocus Expo
25-28 November
Opening Times
Tuesday 25th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 26th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 27th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 28th November 2025 - 10:00 - 16:00
Crocus Expo, Pavilion 2 - Moscow, Russia
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