Visitor Guidelines
Guidelines for Attending Events Organised by ITE Expo International
The rules were approved by the Appendix to the Order of the General Director No. 14-22/VD dated November 3, 2022
1.1. These Rules determine the procedure for admitting visitors to events (exhibitions, conferences, etc., hereinafter individually referred to as the “Event”), organized by the Limited Liability Company “IT Expo International” (OGRN 1187746748694, INN 7708333955, hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”) , and also establish rules of conduct for visitors to the Events.
1.2. Attending the Events is possible only if the visitor familiarizes himself with these Rules and agrees with them.
1.3. The visiting rules established by the administrations of the exhibition complexes where the Events are held are applied to the extent that they do not contradict these Rules.
2.1. The basis for admission to the Event is a badge - an identification document for a visitor to the Event, containing information about his last name, first name and, if applicable, the organization that the visitor represents.
2.2. The badge can be obtained by the visitor in one of the following ways:
2.2.1. Printed independently - in case of registration as a visitor on the official website of the Event;
2.2.2. Received at the registration desk at the entrance to the Event - in exchange for a cash or invitation ticket or upon presentation of a VIP card issued by the Organizer. A box office ticket can be purchased at the box office at the entrance to the exhibition complex. When presenting a VIP card issued by the Organizer, it is necessary to present an identification document of the visitor.
2.3. Obtaining a badge in the cases specified in subparagraph. 2.2.2 of these Rules, is possible only if a completed and signed visitor application form is handed over to the Organizer’s representative. Application forms are available at the registration desk for the Event.
2.4. Representatives of the media will be issued a badge after completing the accreditation procedure, the procedure for which is indicated on the official website of the Event.
2.5. The right to attend the Event free of charge can be granted to students of specialized higher and secondary specialized educational institutions on days determined by the Organizer. Admission of these persons to the Event is carried out only if accompanied by a representative of the educational institution according to a list certified by the administration of the educational institution and previously agreed upon with the Organizer.
2.6. Entrance to the Event is carried out only through turnstiles installed in places determined by the Organizer and/or the administration of the exhibition complex. To pass, you must attach the badge barcode to the turnstile reader.
2.7. Visitors are prohibited from transferring their badge to others. The Organizer has the right to check the consistency of the last name and first name indicated on the badge with the last name and first name of the visitor, for which the person controlling access to the Event has the right to require the visitor to present an identification document.
2.8. If a badge is lost, a visitor should contact the Event registration desk to have it restored.
3.1. Attendance at the Events by persons under eighteen years of age is possible only if they are accompanied by adults, except for the cases specified in clause 3.2 of these Rules.
3.2. The Organizer has the right to set age restrictions on the admission of visitors to the Event in cases provided for by the Federal Law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and/or Development” dated December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ. In such cases, age restrictions are indicated on the official Internet site of the Event, registration desks, box office and invitation tickets, as well as advertising and information materials dedicated to the Event, in the form of a sign of information products.
3.3. Access of persons under eighteen years of age to Events that are assigned the category of information products “18+” is strictly prohibited. If a person directly selling entrance tickets, invitations and other documents granting the right to attend the Event, or a person controlling access to the Event, has doubts about whether the person wishing to purchase an entrance ticket will receive an invitation or other document granting the right to attend the Event , or to go to the Event, of age, the person directly selling entrance tickets, invitations and other documents granting the right to attend the Event, or the person controlling access to the Event, has the right to demand from the visitor an identity document (including an identity document of a foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation) and allowing to establish the age of this visitor.
4.1. Visitors are obliged to maintain public order on the territory of the exhibition complex in which the Event is held and in the adjacent territory, as well as to comply with the legal orders of the Organizer and the administration of the exhibition complex.
4.2. Visitors are prohibited from:
4.3.1. Bring into the Event area any types of firearms, gas or bladed weapons;
4.3.2. Bring explosives, flammable materials, pyrotechnics of all types, as well as poisonous, toxic and caustic substances into the Event area;
4.3.3. Carry and consume alcoholic beverages, narcotic and psychotropic drugs on the territory of the Event, be in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication;
4.3.4. Enter the Event area with animals;
4.3.5. Enter the territory of the Event in outerwear if there are working wardrobes;
4.3.6. Bring food and drinks into the Event area;
4.3.7. Move around the Event area on bicycles, scooters, roller skates and other similar vehicles and sports equipment when visiting the Event;
4.3.8. Cross the roadway marked with solid lines inside the exhibition complex where the Event is being held, outside of pedestrian crossings, and also move along the roadway;
4.3.9. Perform actions that may become: a source of threat to the property of the Organizer, participants of the Event and/or exhibition complex, life or health of people located on the territory of the Event; source of obstacles or violations in ensuring the security of the Event;
4.3.10. Leaving children unattended;
4.3.11. Apply inscriptions, post and distribute printed materials, posters, flyers and other products with information or advertising content, conduct propaganda activities without the written consent of the Organizer;
4.3.12. Organize and conduct unauthorized rallies, demonstrations, processions, pickets, as well as other uncoordinated advertising campaigns and flash mobs on the territory of the Event;
4.3.13. Engage in begging, pollute and litter the Event area;
4.3.14. Wear dirty clothes; with luggage, objects, products that may stain other visitors and exhibits;
4.3.15. Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, in buildings and in the open area of the exhibition complex where the Event is held, with the exception of specially designated areas.
4.3. If ownerless or suspicious items are found on the territory of the Event, visitors are obliged to immediately notify a representative of the Organizer or an employee of the exhibition complex.
4.4. Visitors are required to familiarize themselves with the fire evacuation plan posted at the entrance to the Event area.
4.5. In the event of an emergency on the territory of the Event, visitors are required to comply with the requirements of the Organizer’s representatives and/or exhibition complex employees.
5.1. A visitor may be denied access to the Event or removed from it without compensation for the cost of the ticket in the following cases:
5.1.1. In the absence of an entrance/invitation ticket to the Event;
5.1.2. If you refuse to undergo a personal inspection, including presenting hand luggage and personal belongings for inspection;
5.1.3. If you try to enter the territory of the exhibition complex where the Event is taking place with prohibited items;
5.1.4. When committing actions that violate public order, as well as when begging;
5.1.5. In case of failure to comply with these Rules and the requirements of representatives of the Organizer and/or the exhibition complex in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
5.2. If a visitor commits illegal actions, he may be transferred to representatives of law enforcement agencies to resolve the issue of bringing him to administrative or criminal liability.
5.3. Material damage caused to the property of the Organizer, the exhibition complex or the participants of the Event is subject to compensation in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Crocus Expo
25-28 November
Opening Times
Tuesday 25th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 26th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 27th November 2025 - 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 28th November 2025 - 10:00 - 16:00
Crocus Expo, Pavilion 2 - Moscow, Russia
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